Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Busy, Busy, Bardins!!

Well we have been doing great here and busy as ever. I apologize for not keeping everyone as informed as we would like. Tray is growing by leaps and bounds, he is over 22 pounds and has 5 teeth, and he is 9 ½ months old today. He loves to jibber jabber and he started saying “Da-da” last week. His word for this week, I haven’t been able to make it out but I think he is putting syllables together, it sounded like “fish-ing”. You be the judge. No seriously, we have thoroughly enjoyed Tray and we have learned real quickly lately that there is no stopping or breaking while eating his food, he wants it shoveled in fast; he loves baby yogurt, applesauce, carrots, and his favorite- sweet potatoes. He waves his hands around and smiles real big when he sees momma coming but pitches a fit when she walks away. He is very observant to objects, shapes and sizes. I have attached a picture of Tray rooting for the Celtics in game 4 of the NBA finals, he likes basketball, and lots of movements on TV. I won tickets for us to go to a Hi-Toms baseball game last night and he just was happy to be there. We go next week for Cystic Fibrosis testing at Brenner’s Hospital in Winston Salem, we are praying that the Lord would give wisdom to the doctors and specialists that will be administering these tests, honestly I believe that we are going to hear what the Lord has done already and touched his little body that they will say that he is clear and not needed to do any testing. Pray with expectancy….. God knows.

Well we have a garden this year with the addition of 3 beehives. I need some help coming up with a name to call the small operation/business. I thought what better way to come up with a name then to ask my closest family and friends. I have extracted 20 pounds from one box (or super) of honey and have 2 others to extract waiting. I am taking the bees on vacation Friday morning before I go into work to the Fancy Gap, in the mountains near Virginia. There they will collect nectar from the famous Sourwood bloom. I will leave them there for 3-4 weeks and then bring them back home and relocate them in the back yard. May God bless you and prosper you as you do His Work. We would love to hear how things are going in your life and family. Have a great day.

1 comment:

Rachie Pachie said...

Okay, that last picture just melts my heart. What an adorable snapshot of his day. I LOVE it! :)

Miss you guys...